Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The First Surgery

Darby Kate's surgery, the Norwood procedure, took place Monday. We are thankful that she seems stable and the bleeding has stopped.  The next 24 hours for her are critical.  The doctor says her odds of survival increase dramatically after that time. Updates throughout the day were posted on the prayer page:

9:00 a.m. God's light is shining straight into Darby Kate's room this morning! The picture does not do the room justice, but Brittney did an AMAZING job with Darby Kate's room. It's so serene. I'm looking forward to the day she comes home and sees it for the first time!

9:20 a.m. Darby Kate has been taken to the OR and is being prepped for surgery. We were told that the surgery will begin shortly after 10:00 am. 

10:20 a.m.  We just received our first update and Dr. Dabale is starting the surgery now. Please, please please, pray hard!!

11:10 a.m.  Darby Kate is now on Bypass and the work on the heart begins.

12:15 p.m. Research nurse just came out and advised that two of the four steps in this surgery are complete and she is doing great. The hardest two steps now begin.

1:00 p.m. We just received word that she is off bypass and they are starting to warm her up. Still along way to go but she is a little rock star!

6:45 p.m. We just spoke to the surgeon and she is out of surgery. He is concerned with her lactate levels which means that some portion of her body is not getting enough blood. He is also concerned with her oxygen saturations. They should be 80 or above and they are hanging out around 75. He said she is bleeding more than normal and they are concentrating on getting her bleeding slowed down. The doctor said that she is doing about average for the surgery that she endured. We will be going back to see her shortly so I will have at least one more update today. Please continue to pray!

8:45 p.m. We went back to see little Darby Kate and they have completely stopped the bleeding. "God is so good!" Dr. Alten said he would give her a B - but is not ready to celebrate. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

11:00 p.m. They are allowing us to stay in the room next door so we can rest. I do not think there will be much rest tonight but I do appreciate the thought. There is a door connecting our room to sweet Darby Kate and I am in ahh at everything going on in there. Dr. Alten is teaching the RN's all kind of stuff. We can all learn something from his leadership! He has paid his dues and is respected as one of the best pediatric cardio vascular surgeons in the country. These accomplishments would give most people an ego problem, but not him. He has treated everyone around him with respect and like an equal. Watching him from afar, you can see why they fly him from St. Louis MO to attend such a large surgery. He is crazy smart with a personality, which is unheard of. Darby Kate is maintaining and has not gotten better or worse. Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement.

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