Sunday, May 19, 2013

Good Day

Darby Kate after getting a bath and getting all of her dressings changed.
Darby Kate had a good day and so far it has been a good night. They bathed her and changed all her dressings today. The goal for tomorrow is to extubate. Thanks for the continued prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Darby Kate!! I'm a patient of Dr. Leon, (pulmonary), and saw her picture in their clinic yesterday. I was born with trucuspid atresia. The doctors told my parents that I would never make it to be two yrs old, and now I'm 45. I use only two chambers of my heart, and have two shunts directing my blood flow. God uses many wonderful doctors and nurses along the way, and UAB is great, but He, is the healer of us all!!! If you want to talk please let me know. I understand the anxiety and stress this can cause, because my parents went through the same thing. I would love talk with you sometime, my email is Oh, and for the record, I think she's at one of the best hospital's anywhere. I was transferred there when I was about 2 days old and been going there ever since.:-).
