Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

9:45 a.m.  For those of you who have just started following Darby Kate I would like to give you her back ground. Our angel was born two weeks ago on March 19th at 1:22 am. We had no clue that there was anything wrong with her heart until Brittney's "Amazing" motherly instincts kicked in and she pushed for test to be ran. On Wednesday March 20th, we were told she had "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome" (HLHS). HLHS only occurs in approximately 1% of congenital heart defects. The heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers are called the right Atria and the left Atria. The two lower chambers are called the right ventricle and left ventricle. She was born with an undeveloped left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood all over the body and the right ventricle pumps un oxygenated blood through the main pulmonary artery to the lungs to get rid of carbon dioxide and pick up oxygenated blood. Hard to grasp? I understand! On March 25th she underwent here first open heart surgery. (Norwood Procedure). The procedure took about six hours. The first 48 hours are the most critical and the medical staff really had their work cut out for them. Her oxygen concentration levels were low and her lactates were high. They had to rush her to the cath lab to run test that night and found that she had a septum defect on her pulmonary artery. They took her back to the operating room on the 26th for her second major open heart surgery. Everything went well but we were warned that she would probably pass away due to all the trauma her heart had endured. She has continued to surprise everyone although keeping her stable has been no walk in the park. Her heart is oblivious that it is suppose to be sick. Right now the medical staff is trying to nurse her sick lungs back to health. We are a long way from being out of the woods but the fact she is alive at this point is proof that God answers prayers. She will have a minimum of two more open heart surgeries in the next three years. Children's Hospital of Alabama is a remarkable place full of servant hearts. God himself made this advantageous place what it is. I feel like the loving and compassionate care that we have personally witnessed is not possible without God. This place is full of selfless people that are doing what God called them to do. Regardless of the outcome we will be advocates for this place the rest of our lives. Somehow, thank you does not seem like enough and I pray that God will bless their lives and family and show them that what they do matters. Sorry for rambling on and as always the prayers are greatly appreciated.

2:30 a.m.  Lactate levels have finally come down and her blood pressure is right where they want it. This has been a rough night. I am about to run up and down the stair well a couple of times to burn some nervous energy. I will have to say, God once again proved that he specializes in turning impossible into possible. For about two hours, it really did not look good at all.

7:30 a.m. The remainder of the night was event free and her stats have remained positive. No word on surgery. Will update when I get something concrete.

11:45 p.m. Lactate levels still elevated but blood pressure is finally stable. Been stable for approximately 15 min. They are constantly having to think outside the box with her. Unchartered waters with God holding the steering wheel is what calmed the storm. I have really had my faith tested these last couple of hours! I just keep praying for God to hold her tight and not let her suffer. I also am asking God to clear the doctors minds and guide their decisions. Our prayers were answered in the nic of time!

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