Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Will making rounds tonight with his new buddy (Dr. Jeffrey Alten)

We need all the prayers everyone can muster. She is being weaned from ECMO as we speak and will be clamped off tonight. If she can maintain immediately Dr. Dabal will remove the ECMO lines from her body with the understanding that they will not be placed back in. If she cannot maintain she will remain on ECMO throughout the night and a decision will be made on the best way to let her go without pain. Please pray for God to clear the doctor's mind and guide their hands as this takes place.
 Brittney: I don't know who's heart is more broken.....Mine or Darby Kate's. We were supposed to find out if she could be taken off ECMO by this afternoon but she was more sedated than what was anticipated so the test will be in the morning. I never wish this pain on anyone. It has been a constant day to day roller coaster ride of emotions on whether Darby Kate would live or die. Dr. Alten advised this morning that a miracle had already occurred .....Darby Kate still being with us. He said there was no medical way to explain why she was still alive. If she doesn't survive we have still been so blessed to call her ours. She has taught Jason and I to appreciate the small things and to not take anything for granted. As a broken hearted parent, I can't express how much it means to be able just to hold your child and comfort them or hear the sweet sound of their cry. Don't let a day go by that you don't let your children know how happy they make you. They belong to God and he only gives them to us temporarily. Live each day with them as if it were your last. No matter the outcome in the morning, Jason and I will get through this. We will remain to "Be Still and Know That HE is God"!!!!! Thank you for continuing to pray for our family.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even begin to imagine! I'm so sorry your daughter, yourself and the rest of your family is going through such a nightmare. I am praying so hard for all of you especially Darby Kate! God Bless and stay strong!!!!!
